Thursday, March 27, 2014

Board Briefs from Business Meeting on March 24, 2014

This information includes highlights of action taken and information received by the Ladue Schools Board of Education at the March 24, 2014, meeting.  This is an unofficial record.  Official minutes of each Board meeting are posted on the district website and are available for viewing at the Administrative Center after the Board approves them, typically two weeks after the meeting.

Excellence in Education Award
Michelle Bokermann, Speech Language Pathologist
Reed Elementary School

Board President Remarks
  • Board President Jeff Kopolow commented on the recent success of the Speech and Debate Team, with four students continuing on to the state competition and three students continuing on to the national competition.  Mr. Kopolow encouraged the Board and members of the community to come and see what a great spectator sport Speech and Debate tournaments are. 
  • Mr. Kopolow also thanked Michelle Bokermann, and all her fellow Special School District colleagues, for the work they do to support each other and students so all children in the district have the ability to reach their highest potential.  
Superintendent Remarks
  • Dr. Donna Jahnke congratulated the high school Robotics Team for winning second place in the FIRST Robotics St. Louis Regional competition held at the Chaifitz Arena on March 13-15, 2014.  The Ladue Horton Watkins High School (LHWHS) Team aligned with Westminster and Hazelwood Central to win the competition.  Dr. Jahnke thanked Karen Engelkenjohn, who was attending the Board meeting for being an early advocate of Robotics in the district.
  • Dr. Jahnke also congratulated LHWHS students Yang Liu and Ezra Umen on the presentation of their research paper "Generating and Computing Perfect Phylogenies Using Saturated Chains" which earned them first place in their division and second place overall at the Missouri Junior Science, Engineering and Humanities Symposium held at Maryville University on March 14-15, 2014.   

Copier Contract Bid Approval.  Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance Dr. Jason Buckner presented, and the Board approved, the administration's recommendation to award a five-year contract to Document and Network Technologies, Inc. (DNT) for copier and printing services.  This recommendation was made as a result of four responses being received to the district's Request for Proposal for copier equipment and printing services, followed by an in-depth analysis of each company's capabilities and services through site visits, reference checks, and software evaluations.

2014-15 Administrative Salary Ranges.  Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Ken Rossics presented, and the Board approved, the administration's recommendations for updates to the Administrative Salary Ranges.  The ranges have not changed from those approved in the 2013-14 school year.  However, additional positions have been added to the list.


High School Feasibility Study.  Representatives from Mackey Mitchell Architects provided an update on the ongoing feasibility study being conducted to determine the logistics and financial implications of updating and renovating the high school facilities.  Mackey Mitchell has conducted interviews with numerous district stakeholder groups, gathered data about current programming and student needs, and is in the initial stages of identifying potential configurations and approaches to the project.  The final report will be made to the Board of Education on April 28, 2014.  No specific timelines or commitments have been made for moving forward with renovations beyond this study.

Tentative Agenda Items for Business Meeting April 16, 2014: 

  • Board Reorganization 
  • City of Ladue/District Resource Officer Agreement 
  • Support Staff  Report 
  • 2014-15 Transportation 
  • 2014-15 Banking Services 
  • Board Policy Changes 
Tentative Agenda Items for Business Meeting April 28, 2014: 

  • Acceptance of Certified Election Results 
  • Designation of Board Delegates and Alternates 
  • 2014-15 Transportation 
  • 2014-15 Banking Services 
  • Board Policy Changes 
  • High School Feasibility Study 
  • 2014-15 Board Meeting Dates 
On April 16, 2014, the Board of Education will hold a Business Meeting at 7 p.m. at the Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road.  The next Business Meeting of the Board will take place on April 28, 2014, at 7 p.m. at the Ladue Horton Watkins High School library.