- Board President Jeff Kopolow welcomed everyone to the meeting, noting this to be a special Board of Education meeting with Board members elected by voters on April 8, 2014 being sworn in.
- Dr. Donna Jahnke congratulated the high school Science Olympiad Team for winning second in state. The team of 17 students competed against 21 other schools in 23 events, earning six gold medals, three silver medals and two bronze medals. Dr. Jahnke thanked Marina Smallwood, a chemistry teacher at the high school and the team's sponsor and coach, for her work with the team.
- Dr. Jahnke offered a reminder about the two upcoming Town Hall Meetings where the district's Strategic Plan, currently in development, will be presented so the community can ask questions and provide feedback.
- Monday, April 21, 2014, at 7 p.m. in the Ladue Horton Watkins High School library. (1201 S. Warson Road, 63124)
- Thursday, May 1, 2014, at 7 p.m. in the Reed Elementary School library. (9060 Ladue Road, 63124)
- Dr. Jahnke asked Communications Director Susan Dielmann to introduce the Board to the Interactive District Boundary Map recently incorporated into the district's website. Using this map, users can simply type in an address and learn immediately whether a property is within the Ladue School District and to which elementary school the property is assigned.
Administration of Oaths of Office. Board of Education Secretary Nancy Goldstein administered the Oaths of Office to the Board members elected on April 8, 2014: Andy Bresler (incumbent), Carolyn Jaeger and Steve Spratt. Each will serve a three-year term. Ken Smith did not seek re-election and stepped down from office at the meeting, thanking the administration and fellow Board members for their support and assistance during his term on the Board.
At this time, both President Kopolow and Dr. Jahnke took the opportunity to thank Board Member Ken Smith for his four terms of service on the Board of Education. Mr. Smith has two children who have graduated from the Ladue School District and did not run for re-election. Mr. Smith wished the new Board Members well as he stepped down after 12 years of service to the Ladue School District.
Election of Officers. Dr. Jahnke facilitated the election of the Board of Education officers for the next year. Members were selected for officer positions by their fellow Board members as follows:
- President: Jeff Kopolow
- Vice President: Dan Regelean
- Treasurer: Andy Bresler
- Secretary: Nancy Goldstein
Support Staff Report. Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Ken Rossics presented the Support Staff Employee Council (SSEC) Report, outlining the topics discussed over the course of the year including job descriptions, salaries, benefits and professional development. The SSEC is comprised of elected representatives from various support staff areas and is facilitated by the Assistant Superintendents for Business & Finance and Human Resources.
2014-15 Transportation. Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance Dr. Jason Buckner reviewed the results of the Request for Proposal for Contracted Student Transportation Services and School Bus Lease/Purchase issued on February 21, 2014, as well as a Request for Proposal for Student Transportation Management Services. The components of transportation service were cooperatively bid with University City School District. A final recommendation will be made to the Board of Education at the April 28, 2014 Board meeting.
2014-15 Banking Services. Dr. Buckner presented the results of the Request for Proposal for Banking Depository Services issued on March 14, 2014. First National Bank of St. Louis has been the district's current banking partner for over twenty years and was the only institution to respond to the proposal by the deadline. The Board will vote on the administration's recommendation at the April 28, 2014 Board meeting.
Board Policy Changes. Dr. Jahnke presented the Board with recommended policy revisions, many in the areas of Student Services and Human Resources. Most of these recommended revisions are the result of changes in Missouri law and have been recommended to the district by the Missouri School Boards Association, the organization which assists the district in updating and maintaining Board of Education policy.
Tentative Agenda Items for Business Meeting April 28, 2014:
- Acceptance of Certified Election Results
- Designation of Board Delegates and Alternates
- 2014-15 Transportation
- 2014-15 Banking Services
- Board Policy Changes
- High School Feasibility Study
- 2014-15 Board Meeting Dates