Thursday, March 13, 2014

Board Briefs for the March 10, 2014 Work Session

This information includes highlights of information received by the Ladue Board of Education at the March 10, 2014 Work Session.  This is an unofficial record.  Official minutes of each Board meeting are posted on the district website and are available for viewing at the Administrative Center after the Board approves them, typically two weeks after the meeting.

Board President Remarks
  • Board of Education President Jeff Kopolow commented on the recent Speech and Debate tournaments in which Ladue Horton Watkins High School Students participated with the following results.
    • Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) qualifiers: Benjamin Collinger and Rasika Sant (Policy Debate), Emily Chu (Radio Speaking), Miriam Hauptman (Prose Reading), Shira Morosohk (Original Oratory)
    • Emily Chu was the MSHSAA District Champion in Radio Speaking
    • National Forensic League Qualifiers:  Benjamin Collinger (Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking) and Miriam Hauptman (Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking)
  • On March 8, 2014 Mr. Kopolow, Board Treasurer Andy Bresler, Board Member Sheri Glantz and Superintendent Dr. Donna Jahnke attended the annual local Legislative Breakfast.  Governor Jay Nixon addressed the group, providing updates on state funding, the student transfer program and accreditation issues.  
Superintendent Remarks
  • Dr. Jahnke announced this Friday, March 14, 2014, previously scheduled to be a Conference Compensation Day with no students in attendance, will now be a regular student attendance day.  The district has 178 student attendance days built into the calendar and is required to actually use at least 174.  However, the district has now had five "snow days" and therefore, must make up one of those days.  Should schools be closed any additional days, the make up days will be added at the end of the school year, beginning on May 27, 2014.  
  • Dr. Donna Jahnke shared a video titled Rambunction Bunction created by and featuring the Robotics Team, Rambunction 4330.  Our high school robotics team will participate in the FIRST Robotics competition on March 13 and 14, 2014, at the Chaifetz Arena.  

Strategic Planning Report.  The purpose of this Work Session was to update the Board of Education, as well as the community, on the status of the revision of the district's Strategic Plan.  In developing the plan, the district has engaged in both external and internal research, and continues to seek out information on several initiatives.  The new Strategic Plan will be implemented in the 2014-15 school year, which starts on July 1, 2014, and will be used to guide the district's efforts and initiatives in the coming years.

Dr. Jahnke began by outlining the three broad areas of concentration for the district, and the types of programs and initiatives incorporated in each:
  • High Quality Teaching and Learning:  Curriculum Development, Instructional Strategies and Technology Support, Professional Development, Interventions and the Achievement Gap, and Access to Early Childhood Education
  • Optimal Learning Environment: Strategic Implementation of the Facilities Master Plan, Strategic Planning for Maintenance and Improvements of Existing Facilities, Safety, and Classroom and Building Environment
  • Educating the Whole Child: Diversity and Equity Education, Character Education, Digital Citizenship

Work conducted over the last two years in the Board Advisory Committees on Finance, Curriculum and Instruction, Facilities, and Technology drove the development of the Priority Initiatives currently incorporated in the Strategic Plan.  Dr. Jahnke stressed that these Priority Initiatives are not the only projects of importance in the district.  However, they are the ones identified as being our priority areas of focus for the district to continue to deliver a high level of programming for students.  The following initiatives were specifically outlined in the presentation.

New Class Size Policy
In January, the Board adopted a new class policy, revising the policy adopted in 2002 to which the district had not been able to apply for nearly ten years because of budget and space constraints. A Superintendent's Advisory Committee was formed to consider the issue, a report was provided to Dr. Jahnke in December, and senior administrators formed final recommendations to provide to the Board in January.  The new policy will be implemented in the 2014-15 school year.  (See the January 27, 2014 Board Briefs for more details.)

Districtwide Math Program Review
The district is currently conducting a thorough review of its math programming, grades K-12.  Dr. Barbara Dougherty, a math education professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia, with support from the university's reSTEM Institute, is overseeing the review which will include an analysis of curriculum sequencing and methods of instruction; core programming; practices used to identify the need for intervention; as well as how the district identifies the need for, and applies, acceleration practices.  A full report is anticipated in May 2014.

High School Renovation
Although theater and physical education facilities have been added and renovated in recent years, the district's high school classrooms have not been substantially updated since the 1950's.  Today's teaching and learning styles require spaces conducive to collaboration across disciplines, small group work, and the integrated use of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM.)  As a result of the district issuing a Request for Qualifications, Mackey Mitchell Architects was recently appointed to determine the logistics and financial implications of updating and renovating the high school facilities.  Mackey Mitchell is anticipated to present the feasibility study to the Board of Education in early May.  No decision, commitment or timetable has been determined for renovating the high school at this time.

Technology Support for Instructional Strategies
The district's goal is to incorporate technology into instructional strategies districtwide in ways that optimize student learning and success without increasing the district's technology budget, or overall budget.  As a result, the administration is recommending a reallocation of the district's current technology, and technology budget, for the 2014-15 school year in order to provide students "the right tools at the right time."

Many of the devices currently in use at the high school will replace older devices in use at the elementary and middle schools.  High school students are then proposed to each receive an iPad for their personal use at school and at home.  High school teachers received iPads in January 2014 and immediately began training on the use of these devices for instructional purposes.  Beyond some textbooks being replaced with eTexts, the iPads will be used for research, collaboration on projects, demonstration of skills and concepts learned, as well as state-required assessments.

At the same time, logistics are being addressed, including plans for providing the needed technical support and repair services, infrastructure support related to internet accessibility within the high school building, management of the applications provided/allowed on the devices, and internet security both at school and at home.

Next Steps

All of the initiatives outlined above, with the exception of any extensive high school renovations, are anticipated to be funded through reallocations of the district's operating budget while keeping within the 2% annual expenditure increase parameter set by the Board of Education.  Funding for high school renovations would first be pursued through reallocation of the district's current capital budget, the sale of district property, the development of corporate partnerships and private funding.  Only after these sources have been leveraged will the district consider requesting community support through a bond levy.  No timetable for this potential initiative has been set.

This spring and early summer, the district will continue development of the Strategic Plan by reviewing the preliminary plan with staff, as well as community members.  Town Hall Meetings are being planned for April 21 and May 1, 2014.  Details regarding exact time and location will be announced soon.  In June, the administration and Board of Education will go on retreat to finalize the plan which will begin to be implemented in the 2014-15 school year which begins July 1, 2014.

Tentative Agenda Items for Business Meeting on March 24, 2014:

  • 2014-15 Transportation
  • City of Ladue/District Resource Officer Agreement
  • Copier Contract Bid Approval
The next Board of Education meeting will be a Business Meeting on March 24, 2014 at 7 p.m. and will be held at the Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road.