Friday, August 28, 2015

Board Briefs from August 24, 2015 Business Meeting

This information includes highlights of information received by the Ladue Schools Board of Education at the August 24, 2015 Business Meeting.  This is an unofficial record.  Official minutes of each Board meeting are posted on the district website and are available for viewing at the Administrative Center after the Board approves them, typically two weeks after the meeting.

Board President's Remarks
  • Board President Jeff Kopolow commented that the school year was off to a smooth start and that he had enjoyed going to the high school’s first football game the previous Saturday.
Superintendent Remarks
  • Superintendent Dr. Donna Jahnke also commented on a great first week of school and the positive energy in all the district buildings.  Dr. Jahnke also mentioned that while the state’s official “count day” is not until the end of September, the district’s enrollment appears to have decreased slightly this year from last.
  • Dr. Jahnke congratulated English Teacher Kim Gutchewsky on the success of her “People Read” project.  Ms. Gutchewsky has videotaped interviews with dozens of adults from all walks of life and careers about what they are currently reading in order to increase her students’ enthusiasm for reading.  
Process for Patron Appointments to Board Advisory Committees and Approval of Recommended Patron Appointments.  Dr. Jahnke outlined the process for patron appointments to Board Advisory Committees.  The role of Board Advisory Committees is to assist the Board of Education by sharing expertise, exploring topics, and analyzing and providing feedback on programs and service providers.  Appointments are made based on areas of personal expertise, with an attempt to reflect the district’s demographics.  The following recommendations for the 2015-16 school year were presented and approved by the Board.

  • Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance Dr. Jason Buckner recommended Roger Levy and Kelly Waller for additional two-year terms and the first-term appointments of Troy McClendon and Mark Murdaugh for the Finance Board Advisory Committee.
  • Director of Facilities Mike Noonan recommended the first-term appointments of James Faron, Anne Noble and Lisa Witzutsky for the Facilities Board Advisory Committee.
  • Director of Technology Rob Highfill  recommended the first-term appointments of Keith Yeldham, Frank Trau and Adil Rhaman for the Technology Board Advisory Committee.


Technology Report on Limitless Learning.  Mr. Highfill outlined the goals of the one-to-one “Limitless Learning” initiative at the high school and the difference between the program in 2015-16 compared to the roll-out year in 2014-15.  He also outlined statistics regarding lost, stolen, and repair information (all below projections), as well as student survey results.  Instructional Technology Coordinator Adam Stirrat and English Teacher Kim Gutchewsky shared specific areas of progress and uses of iPads in the classroom.  

District Preliminary MAP Test Results.  Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Jennifer Allen presented the district’s Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) and End of Course (EOC) results from testing completed in spring 2015.  Overall results, as well as disaggregated results, were presented.  This data, as well as individual student results, will be used to guide education decisions going forward.  Dr. Allen emphasized that the goal will always be to close gaps and ensure all students are achieving at the highest level possible.

Board of Education Self-Evaluation and Goals.  Mr. Kopolow indicated he was looking to the Missouri School Board Association (MSBA) for guidance on a Board of Education self-evaluation process and will be bringing this forward for additional conversation in future meetings.  

Master Facilities Plan Phase I: Timeline.  Dr. Jahnke reviewed the district’s plans to share information with the community throughout the fall about the high school renovation project the district has been actively exploring since the spring of 2014.  This community engagement process will culminate with a survey of the community beginning in late October with a Board of Education decision anticipated by the end of the year on whether or not to move forward with a bond referendum in April 2016.  Details about the background and research behind this project can be found on the district’s High School Renovation website, which also includes the current building concepts under consideration and project funding information.

First Semester Board Meeting Agenda Calendar.  Dr. Jahnke presented a draft of the topics to be addressed by the Board of Education during the first semester of the 2015-16 school year.  This is a tentative calendar and topics will be added and potentially rescheduled during the course of the year.  


The next Board of Education meeting will be a Work Session on September 8, 2015.  The following meeting will be a Business Meeting at 7 p.m. on September 28, 2015.  Both meetings will be held at the Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road. Tentative agenda items include the following.  

Tentative Agenda Items for Work Session September 8, 2015:

  • Analysis of Existing Bonds
  • Update on Master Facilities Plan Phase I
Tentative Agenda Items for Business Meeting September 28, 2015:

  • Hearing and Approval of Operating Budget and Debt Service Levies for 2015-16

  • Transportation/2015-2016 Bus Routes/Mileage
  • Strategic Plan Update
  • Communications Report