This information includes highlights of information received by the Ladue Schools Board of Education at the June 22, 2015 Business Meeting. This is an unofficial record. Official minutes of each Board meeting are posted on the district website and are available for viewing at the Administrative Center after the Board approves them, typically two weeks after the meeting.
Board President's Remarks
- Board President Jeff Kopolow thanked Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Laura Brock for her two years of service to the district. He noted his appreciation for her upbeat attitude, professionalism and hard work on behalf of the students of the district and wished her well in her future endeavors.
Superintendent Remarks
- Superintendent Dr. Donna Jahnke also extended her appreciation to Dr. Brock, commenting on her appreciation for her hard work through the very end of her tenure with the district and continuing to bring projects forward and to completion.
Approval of 2015-16 Preliminary Budget. Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance Dr. Jason Buckner presented, and the Board approved, the 2015-16 Preliminary Operating Budget with expenses totaling approximately $59.6 million, and resulting in an unrestricted surplus of approximately $98,000. The budget presented complies with the 2% budget increase parameters provided by the Board in September 2012 as a means to delay the potential need to request additional funding from district taxpayers.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP). Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Laura Brock presented, and the Board approved, the district's Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) for 2015-20. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) requires all school districts to develop and institute a Strategic Plan or Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP). Over the past two years, the administration has worked collaboratively with the Board Advisory Committees to develop the new 2015-20 Strategic Plan (CSIP).
Teacher Evaluation Program. Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Mr. Ken Rossics presented, and the Board approved, the changes the administration is recommending for the teacher evaluation program in order to meet new DESE requirements. Evaluation Committee members sought input from staff and attended trainings in order to collaborate with administration on refinements to the program.
Board Policy BBFA. Dr. Jahnke presented, and the Board approved, the re-adoption of BBFA - Board Member Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure to be filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission by September 15, 2015, per state statute.
Board Policy BBFA. Dr. Jahnke presented, and the Board approved, the re-adoption of BBFA - Board Member Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure to be filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission by September 15, 2015, per state statute.
Board Policy Revisions. Dr. Jahnke presented, and the Board approved, nineteen recently revised policies. The majority of the revisions reflected are due to changes required by DESE and/or state law and recommended by the Missouri School Boards' Association.
Acceptance of FY16 Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grant. Dr. Brock presented, and the Board approved, the administration's recommendation to accept a $76,162 Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grant to be used for equipment, supplies and professional development for the district's Project Lead the Way (PLTW) program at the high school.
Professional Development Report and Plan. Dr. Brock and Ladue Middle School Administrative Intern and chair of the the District Professional Development Committee Sarah Adams Schwartz presented the 2014-15 Professional Development report. The report outlines the committee's areas of focus for the 2014-15 school year, as well as an overview of plans for 2015-16.
SAS122 Internal Controls/Risk Assessment. Dr. Buckner presented the district's "Guide to Internal Controls and Risk Management" which must be provided to the Board on an annual basis in order to comply with Statement of Auditing Standards (SAS) 122 requirements and is used as a tool to continue strong internal financial controls.
Elementary Report Card Presentation. Dr. Brock presented an update on the district's change to standards-based elementary report cards. All elementary schools will use the new report cards beginning in the 2015-16 school year. Parents will be provided information in various formats, and teacher and parent input will be welcomed throughout the year.
Facility Planning and Enrollment. Dr. Jahnke and Dr. Buckner presented an update on the district's facilities planning and enrollment in order to begin conversations regarding the availability of classroom space in all district school buildings for the 2015-16 school year and beyond.
Board Advisory Committee Reappointments. Dr. Jahnke presented information on two patron reappointment requests to the district's Board Advisory Committees beyond the normal two-term limit.
The next Board of Education meeting will be a Business Meeting on July 27, 2015 at 7 p.m. at the Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road. Tentative agenda items include the following.
Tentative Agenda Items for Business Meeting July 27, 2015:
- 2015-16 Professional Development Goals
- Board Advisory Committee Reappointments
- 2015-16 Tuition Rate for Nonresident Property Owners
- District Activities Report