This information includes highlights of action taken and information received by the Ladue Schools Board of Education at the February 23, 2015, Business Meeting. This is an unofficial record. Official minutes of each Board meeting are posted on the district website and are available for viewing at the Administrative Center after the Board approves them, typically two weeks after the meeting.
Excellence in Education Award
Carolyn Zahm
Reading Specialist at Reed Elementary
Reading Specialist at Reed Elementary
Board President's Remarks
- Board President Jeff Kopolow recognized candidates running for positions on the Board of Education in the April 7, 2015 election who were in attendance, including incumbents Sheri Glantz and Nancy Goldstein, as well as Sheldon Johnson.
Superintendent's Remarks
- Superintendent Dr. Donna Jahnke offered congratulations to Ladue Horton Watkins High School theatre students on their performance of Young Frankenstein in this year's musical. She also commended theater teacher Mike Pecka for his direction of the play, Aaron Lehde for his direction of the orchestra, and Tom Lowery for his choral and voice work with students.
2016-2017 School Calendar. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Laura Brock presented, and the Board approved, the administration's recommendation for the 2016-17 school year calendar. This calendar maintains a similar structure as in recent years with minor adjustments in days used for professional development. This calendar reflects the first school day as Monday, August 15, 2016 and the last school day as May 24, 2017.
Meet and Confer Report. Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Ken Rossics presented, and the Board approved, the 2015 Meet and Confer Report. The Meet and Confer process is used to discuss salary, benefits, and working conditions between the teachers and the district and has been in progress since early January. The final agreements and resolutions resulting from the process are included in the report, and this year includes the adoption of a new compensation structure for certified teachers.
2015 District Summer Programs. Dr. Brock presented, and the Board approved, the expanded summer programming to be offered during Summer 2015. The adopted proposal includes credit recovery programming for high school students, K-8 opportunities for students identified as needing additional support, and fee-based early childhood offerings.
2016-2017 School Calendar. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Laura Brock presented, and the Board approved, the administration's recommendation for the 2016-17 school year calendar. This calendar maintains a similar structure as in recent years with minor adjustments in days used for professional development. This calendar reflects the first school day as Monday, August 15, 2016 and the last school day as May 24, 2017.
Meet and Confer Report. Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Ken Rossics presented, and the Board approved, the 2015 Meet and Confer Report. The Meet and Confer process is used to discuss salary, benefits, and working conditions between the teachers and the district and has been in progress since early January. The final agreements and resolutions resulting from the process are included in the report, and this year includes the adoption of a new compensation structure for certified teachers.
2015 District Summer Programs. Dr. Brock presented, and the Board approved, the expanded summer programming to be offered during Summer 2015. The adopted proposal includes credit recovery programming for high school students, K-8 opportunities for students identified as needing additional support, and fee-based early childhood offerings.
Update on Math Action Plans. Dr. Brock presented an update on the district's Mathematics Action Plan developed by the math cadre workgroup as a result of the K-12 Math Review performed in Spring 2014. These action plans include five goals outlining the specific steps, timelines, rubrics, and resources identified as being required to improve overall student learning in math.
Update on Math Action Plans. Dr. Brock presented an update on the district's Mathematics Action Plan developed by the math cadre workgroup as a result of the K-12 Math Review performed in Spring 2014. These action plans include five goals outlining the specific steps, timelines, rubrics, and resources identified as being required to improve overall student learning in math.
New Board Policy INC. Dr. Brock outlined Board Policy INC (Speakers at District Events) which will be recommended to the Board for adoption at the meeting on March 9, 2015. Legislation has created new requirements for school districts and therefore, this policy has been developed by the Missouri School Board Association (MSBA) for review, revision and adoption by districts, including the Ladue School District, that utilize MSBA for policy management and guidance.
Tentative Agenda Items for Business Meeting Monday, March 9, 2015 (High School Library):
- New Board Policy INC- Speakers at District Events
- Support Staff Employee Council Report and Salary Recommendation
- 2015-2016 Administrative Salary Structure Recommendation
- Master Plan Phase I Schematic Presentation
The next meeting of the Board will be a Business Meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 9, 2015 to be held in the Ladue Horton Watkins High School library (1201 S. Warson Road, St. Louis, MO, 63124.)