Thursday, September 25, 2014

Board Briefs from September 22, 2014 Business Meeting

This information includes highlights of action taken and information received by the Ladue Schools Board of Education at the September 22, 2014, meeting.  This is an unofficial record.  Official minutes of each Board meeting are posted on the district website and are available for viewing at the Administrative Center after the Board approves them, typically two weeks after the meeting.

Excellence in Education Award
Carissa Leuthen
Speech Language Pathologist, Ladue Middle School 

Board President's Remarks

  • Board President Jeff Kopolow commented on a recent post to Spotlight on Ladue announcing the high school's Speech and Debate Team have gotten off to a great start, sweeping the varsity events in a pre-season tournament.  As a former social studies teacher at Ladue Horton Watkins High School, President Kopolow coached the Speech and Debate Team for 30 years.  
  • President Kopolow also congratulated Coach Keith Harder for having been elected into the Missouri Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association Hall of Fame.  
Superintendent's Remarks
  • Superintendent Dr. Donna Jahnke mentioned she will be traveling this weekend to see our Speech and Debate Team receive a 2014 School of Excellence in Speech and Theatre Award from the Speech and Theatre Association.  She thanked Molly Beck, the Speech and Debate Team coach for her continuing contributions to this highly successful group of students.   
  • Dr. Jahnke also thanked Mark Biernbaum for once again coordinating an outstanding Sixth Grade Camp.  Dr. Jahnke, along with Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Laura Brock and STEM Coordinator Dr. Kevin McColgan, attended this annual event which provides great outdoor learning and bonding experiences for the district's sixth-grade students.

Approval of 2014-15 Operating Budget Tax Levy.
 The Board approved setting the operating tax levy at $3.31 for residential, commercial and agricultural properties and $3.24 for personal property.  State regulations allow school district's to increase the operating tax levy in order to maintain the level of revenue generated in prior years.  Therefore, each year school districts are advised of their operating tax levy "ceiling."  This year, the ceiling was set at approximately $3.33 (stated as a blended rate.)  Earlier in the year, the Board approved the Preliminary 2014-15 Budget which used an operating fund levy of $3.31 for all classes of property in estimating anticipated property tax revenue for the 2014-15 school year.  This levy will generate approximately the equivalent amount of revenue as the $3.24 levy did in 2012.

For the last two years, the Ladue School District has rolled back the operating tax levy beneath the allowable ceiling.  The Ladue School District passed Prop 1 in April 2012, approving an operating tax levy of $3.24.  When the Board of Education set the levy later that year, assessments had decreased and the ceiling was raised to approximately $3.33.  (The amount that would need to be levied in order to generate the revenue that $3.24 would have generated in the previous year.)  However, the Board chose to set the levy at the amount approved by voters.  Again in 2013, the ceiling was set at approximately $3.32, and the Board maintained the levy at $3.24, acknowledging they would likely need to consider raising the levy in future years to maintain district revenue at existing levels, should property assessments not increase substantively, as has been the case.  

The Board's 2% spending increase parameter remains in place. Therefore, the increase in the tax levy will not increase the district's planned expenditures.  However, it will increase the fund balance, and therefore, the length of time the district may be able to go without requesting an increase in the tax levy above the existing ceiling.  

Debt Service Levy.  The administration recommended, and the Board approved, setting the debt service levy at $.39.  Each year, school districts set their debt service levy within certain parameters defined by the state in order to generate sufficient revenue to repay existing debt (principal and interest) in the coming year for previously passed bond referendums.   The defined parameters for the Ladue School District would allow the debt service levy to be set as high as $.792.  However, by utilizing a portion of the reserves in the existing debt service fund and setting the debt service levy at $.39, as it has been the last two years, the district will have the funds available to make required payments in the coming year. 

Bond Refunding Parameters Resolution.  Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance Dr. Jason Buckner recommended, and the Board approved, a Bond Refunding Resolution be adopted to authorize the Board of Education President to sign bond documents for the purposes of refinancing the district's existing bonds.  A refunding of existing bonds will save taxpayers significantly over the life of the bonds, without extending the current amortization.   The total amount anticipated to be saved will be reported at the October 27, 2014 Business Meeting.

Disposal of Surplus Property.  The administration recommended, and the Board approved, items no longer being used by the district be declared as surplus and disposed of in accordance with Board policy DN-2.

Patron Appointments to Technology Board Advisory Committees.  The Board approved the following patron appointments to the Technology Board Advisory Committee.  These members serve for a term of two years and can serve for two terms.

  • Gregg Grigaitis
  • Sara Goellner
  • Jason Fitts
  • Glen Schuster
Consideration of Resolution on Constitutional Amendment 3.    The Board approved a resolution in opposition of Constitutional Amendment 3. 


Transportation/2014-15 Bus Routes/Mileage.  Dr. Buckner provided an overview of the district's new transportation system and how it has performed during the beginning of this school year.  Although there have been some initial challenges, they are being worked through efficiently.  Feedback from the community about the new fleet of buses, improved equipment and driver performance has been very positive overall.  The district continues to work with its transportation providers to utilize the more extensive tracking and reporting systems now available.

Strategic Plan Update.  Dr. Jahnke updated the Board on the status of the district's Strategic Plan, restating the Ladue School District's overall purpose is to set the standard for academic excellence in education and to ensure all students are prepared for success at the highest level of education attainable.  As part of the Strategic Plan, the district has identified three areas of concentration:  High Quality Teaching and Learning, Optimal Learning Environment and Educating the Whole Child.  These areas of concentration have led to the identification of specific priority initiatives which are updated below.

Dr. Jahnke noted that School Improvement Plans are directly related to the Strategic Plan and measurable action plans are being created in each building.  A fluid document to be used over time is being built and will be revised as existing goals and objectives are met and new ones are identified.
  • Missouri Learning Standards (MLS):  Ladue Schools' curriculum incorporates the MLS and professional development continues to support these standards.   There are new Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) guidelines for the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) which outlines the requirements for the state assessments.
  • K-12 Math Review.  The Math Review has been completed and a Math Cadre has been formed to analyze the report and determine goals and objectives, as well as to set priorities for improving the district's math program K-12.  The Math Cadre, with input from the District Math Committee, administrators and the Curriculum & Instruction Board Advisory Committee will work through this semester to create an action plan with the goal of beginning implementation in the second semester and continuing for the next three years. 
  • Early Childhood Education.  Kerri Wetzel is the Ladue Early Childhood Center's new director and will be developing a plan for expanding programming and accessibility of early childhood programming to families throughout the district.  
  • Technology Support for Instructional Strategies.  Dr. Jahnke complimented the technology team on the deployment of iPad Minis to all high school students at the beginning of the school year.  In addition, the team has been working toward redistributing the district's technology resources K-8 to ensure the right tools are available to support instructional strategies at all levels.  Going forward, an emphasis will be placed on analyzing the district's overall technology infrastructure.   
  • High School Renovation:  The district's Finance and Facilities Board Advisory Committees have initiated discussions regarding the outside resources needed to assist the district in determining the scope, cost and viability of a future high school renovation.  In addition, a High School Development Committee is being assembled to identify the educational resources a future facility should incorporate.  

Communications Report.  Director of Communications Susan Dielmann updated the Board on initiatives that have been completed by the Communication Department over the past year.  In addition, Ms. Dielmann outlined areas of concentration for the coming year which include supporting district affiliated organizations, such as the Ladue Education Foundation and Ladue Alumni Association; initiatives in the Strategic Plan, including the high school renovation; continuing to develop websites to support the district's schools and organizations, and continuing to create processes for streamlining communication processes throughout the district.  


Tentative Agenda Items for Business Meeting October 27, 2014

National Merit Recognized Students 

  • 2014-2015 Bus Routes/Mileage 
  • Strategic Plan Changes 
  • Enrollment and Residency Report 
  • LEF and Alumnae Report 
The next meeting of the Board will be a Business Meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, October 27, 2014 at the Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road.