Board President's Remarks
- Board President Jeff Kopolow noted the many forms of support provided to the Ferguson community and the Ferguson-Florissant School District in the past few weeks by Ladue Schools students, staff and alumni. He also noted how far our Ladue Schools connections have reached. Michael Brown's mother, Lesley McSpadden is a Ladue Schools graduate, as is Marlon Marshal, one of the three White House representatives who attended Michael Brown's funeral.
- Mr. Kopolow invited attendees to remain after the meeting to see a few of the district's administrative team accept the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge as extended by Reed Elementary School staff, noting Board members would be doing the honors of pouring the buckets of ice water.
- Superintendent Dr. Donna Jahnke commented on the district's commitment to use the tragic events in Ferguson as teaching opportunities, noting there were valuable conversations to be had around a number of important issues, including civil rights, social justice, and the rights of an individual v. a group.
- Dr. Jahnke reported on a successful opening of schools, noting enrollment numbers have once again increased. (Official Count Day is not until the end of September.) Dr. Jahnke offered a specific note of thanks to Dr. Jason Buckner who coordinated the switch to new transportation providers. While a change of this magnitude does not happen without some challenges, the district's transportation system is running very smoothly, and students are enjoying the new, comfortable school buses equipped with state-of-the-art electronic equipment.
- Dr. Jahnke congratulated Angela Kelly, Learning Lab teacher at the Fifth Grade Center and Haley Arnold, Counselor at Old Bonhomme Elementary. Both will be honored for receiving the Peabody Energy Leaders in Education Award on Thursday, August 28, 2014.
Easement Request. The administration recommended, and the Board approved, granting an easement request by the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District for drainage work on the West Campus. Neighbors who will be directly impacted by this work have been notified and are in favor of the project.
Patron Appointments to Board Advisory Committees. The Board approved the following patron appointments to Board Advisory Committees. These members serve for a term of two years and can serve for two terms.
Facilities Planning Board Advisory Committee
- Aaron Early
- Michael Myers
Curriculum and Instruction Board Advisory Committee
- Allison Collinger
- Kisha Lee
Contract for Phone and PA Maintenance. Director of Technology Rob Highfill presented a recommendation by the Information Technology Services department to award the contract for Telephone and Public Address System Maintenance to Tech Electronics for a three year period at a cost of $25,110 per year. The district has maintained a long and positive relationship with Tech Electronics.
District Preliminary MAP Test Results. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Laura Brock presented the district's preliminary Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) results in comparison with state results and by subgroups. Results from other districts will be released on August 29, 2014. Ladue School District maintained a very high accreditation score of 97.5%. (70% is required for accreditation.) This data will be analyzed to identify areas for improvement in instructional practices.
Board of Education Goals/Work Plan. Board President Kopolow presented the Board of Education's Goals and Work Plan for the 2014-15 school year, asking members to review and provide comments. The plan is scheduled for approval at the September 22, 2014 Business Meeting.
First Semester Tentative Board Meeting Agenda Calendar. Dr. Jahnke presented a Tentative Board Agenda Calendar for the first half of the school year, asking members to review and provide any additional suggestions.
Tentative Agenda Items for Work Session on Wednesday, September 10, 2014:
- Operating Fund Levy and Debt Service Fund Levy
- Board Work Goals
Tentative Agenda Items for Business Meeting on Monday, September 22, 2014
- Operating Budget and Debt Service Levies Hearing and Approval
- 2014-15 Board of Education Goals/Work Plan
- Additional Patron Appointments to Board Advisory Committees
- Transportation/2014-15 Bus Routes/Mileage
- Communications Report
- Focus for Board Advisory Committees
- Strategic Plan Update/Changes
The next Work Session of the Board will take place at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, September 10, 2014. The next Business Meeting of the Board will take place at 7 p.m. on Monday, September 22, 2014. Both meetings will take place at the Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road.