Monday, December 5, 2016

Board Briefs from Nov. 28, 2016 Business Meeting

This information includes highlights of information received by the Ladue Schools Board of Education at the Nov. 28, 2016 Business Meeting.  This is an unofficial record.  Official minutes of each Board meeting are posted on the district website and are available for viewing at the Administrative Center after the Board approves them, typically two weeks after the meeting.

Board President's Remarks
  • Board President Sheri Glantz expressed that the last few weeks have been challenging for the district. However, she is viewing recent events as an opportunity to renew our commitment to  promote tolerance, and to pursue unity rather than divisiveness.  The Board of Education and administration are committed to working to create a community of care and collaboration. Mrs. Glantz thanked parents for reinforcing these positive messages and expectations at home and hopes that as we move forward, we will spend less time perpetuating the conflict and more time modeling what we would like to see as the outcome.
Superintendent Remarks
  • Superintendent Dr. Donna Jahnke reiterated Mrs. Glantz’s remarks about the challenges of the last week.  Dr. Jahnke said the district works hard to celebrate the diversity within the school system, and to ensure our schools are safe places for students to learn.  She said that she believes that happens for many of our students, but it is clear there are students who feel disenfranchised.  She emphasized her commitment to not stop working to improve this situation until 100% of students are learning in the best possible environment, regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation, or beliefs.  Dr. Jahnke said there is still work to do in the Ladue School District, as in most school districts, and that we intend to do it.  Plans already in place will continue, and future diversity work and training is being planned.  
  • Dr. Jahnke also mentioned that as we are building this greater capacity for tolerance and inclusiveness, we are also continuing the process of building a physical high school with the goal of ensuring all students have the resources to succeed.  
  • Dr. Jahnke reminded everyone that this is concert season in our district with many choir and instrumental music events to enjoy.  She encouraged attendees to check out the district website calendars for dates and times.  

Acceptance of Auditor’s Report. The Board approved the Fiscal Year 2016 Audit.  Assistant Superintendent for Business & Finance Dr. Jason Buckner introduced Mark Janiesch, a representative of Daniel Jones & Associates, who presented the district’s annual Independent Auditor’s Report which states all financial statements reviewed, in all material respects, fairly represent the respective financial activities, and each major fund, of the district, as of June 30, 2016.  The district received an “unmodified opinion,” the highest opinion a district can receive, and remains one of the few public school districts in Missouri, and one of less than one hundred in the nation, to hold a stand-alone AAA rating from Standard and Poor's.  

2017-2018 LECC Tuition and BASK/TAS Rates. Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Ken Rossics presented, and the Board approved, the administration’s recommendations for establishing a new salary and classroom teacher structure at the Ladue Early Childhood Center (LECC), in addition to the 2017-18 rates for pre-school tuition and before-and-after-school care programs (BASK/TAS).  Currently, the district alternates years for rate changes for pre-school programs and BASK/TAS.  Therefore, no rate changes are being made for pre-school/toddler programs for the coming year.  BASK/TAS rates will increase by 2% for all daily/weekly options.  More detailed information can be found by clicking on the header to this paragraph.  

Staff Technology Equipment Lease. Technology Director Rob Highfill presented, and the Board approved, the administration’s recommendation for replacement of Ladue Schools faculty and staff computers, as outlined in the district’s overall timeline for technology replacement.  The majority of the computers being replaced are between four to five years old.  

Board Policy Changes. Dr. Jahnke and Mrs. Glantz presented, and the Board approved, changes to 13 district policies.  The majority of these changes are being made at the recommendation of the Missouri School Board Association (MSBA) in order to keep district policies in compliance with state and federal law.  

High School Building Project. Senior Project Manager Vernon Pfeil presented, and the Board approved, contractor pay applications for the month of October.  Mr. Cole also provided construction progress report #8 which includes updates on design and engineering; permitting; finance and budget; bidding and procurement; scheduling; and current construction activity.  Photos of various components of the project are included in the linked document.  


Bond Refunding Options. Dr. Buckner introduced Matt DeLeo of Sentry Financial who outlined a potential opportunity for the district to refund approximately $15 million in bonds originally sold in 2007.  This refunding could result in total payment savings of approximately 10% over the life of the bonds.  In 2014, the district refunded 2007 bonds up to the maximum allowable under tax law, saving district taxpayers approximately $2.1 million in remaining payments, or approximately 9.8%.  

Given market fluctuations, the district will only move forward with refunding within the allowable window if the market does not change in such a way that this strategy no longer makes sense.  Additional details can be found by clicking on the header of this paragraph.

2017-2018 High School Course Change Proposals. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Jennifer Allen introduced Ladue Horton Watkins High School Principal Brad Griffith who outlined high school course changes for 2017-18 which include three new courses:  Computer Science Principles, Introduction to Media, and Principles of Biomedical Science.  Ten courses will be renamed.  No courses are being eliminated. Additional details can be found by clicking on the header of this paragraph.

2016-2017 Revised Budget. Dr. Buckner presented the 2016-17 Revised Budget.  The Board of Education approved the 2016-17 Preliminary Budget on June 27, 2016.  Each year, the annual budget is adjusted and revised based on the availability of more accurate revenue and expense data than is available in the summer prior to the school year beginning.  (Click on the paragraph header for additional details.) The revised budget will be presented for Board approval at the December 12, 2016 Business Meeting.  

Policy Changes. In accordance with changes in state law, Dr. Allen presented recommendations for changes to two district policies.  Policy JFCF, which addresses Hazing and Bullying, has been revised and made into two separate policies: JFCF will continue to address bullying, while JFCG addresses Hazing and was approved by the Board earlier in the evening. The revision of the bullying policy is a result of House Bill 1583 requirements.  While many of the components of the policy have been in place in process or procedure, the law now explicitly directs these components to be in policy.

The second policy presented is JG-R1, a Student Discipline policy for which wording changes are required based on the changes made to JFCF outlined above.

These recommended changes will be presented for Board approval at the December 12, 2016 Business Meeting.  


The next Board of Education meeting will be a Business Meeting on Dec. 12, 2016 at 7 p.m. at the Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road.  Tentative agenda items include the following.  

Tentative Agenda Items for Business Meeting Dec. 12, 2016:

  • Public Gift to the Ladue Early Childhood Center
  • Bond Refunding
  • 2017-2018 High School Course Change Proposals
  • 2016-2017 Revised Budget
  • Board Policy Changes
  • High School Building Project
    • Project Report #9
    • Payment Applications/Work Package/Change Orders

  • Second Semester Board Agenda Calendar (January- August, 2017)
  • 2017-2018 School Calendar
  • Custodial Services
  • Employee Benefits Consultant
  • Summer Facility Usage