Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Board Briefs from June 23, 2014 Business Meeting

This information includes highlights of action taken and information received by the Ladue Schools Board of Education at the June 23, 2014, meeting.  This is an unofficial record.  Official minutes of each Board meeting are posted on the district website and are available for viewing at the Administrative Center after the Board approves them, typically two weeks after the meeting.

Student and Staff Recognition

Excellence in Education Award
Sarah Wieck, Third-Grade Teacher, Conway Elementary School
Jen Reisenmy, Learning Lab, Fifth Grade Center

Superintendent Remarks
  • Dr. Donna Jahnke reported that summer camps are successfully underway and gave a reminder that the next Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 28. 

Approval of 2014-15 Preliminary Budget.  The Board approved the 2014-15 Preliminary Operating Budget.  Expenditures in the preliminary budget total approximately $56.8 million which is within the 2% increase per budget year parameter set by the Board in 2012 for operating budget expenditures, in addition to a carryover amount from prior budget years.

The budget presented reflects a $3.31 operating levy per $100 of assessed valuation in anticipation of the Board increasing the levy to the currently allowable ceiling when it is set in September in order to for the district to remain revenue neutral despite decreases in property assessments.   Additional details regarding the development of the 2014-15 operating budget, anticipated revenues by source, as well as preliminary information regarding the setting of the debt service levy are available by clicking on the heading of this section.

Schedule 2 of Master Lease/Purchase Agreement with Apple.  Dr. Jahnke recommended, and the Board approved, a 4-year lease-purchase agreement with Apple Financial Services to acquire 1,160 iPad mini tablet computers for student use at the high school.  The lease purchase includes a $1 buyout at the end of the lease term, giving the district full ownership of the devices.  The funding for this purchase comes from the district's technology budget and does not represent an additional expenditure beyond the approved budget.

Requisition 080383 under Schedule 2 of the Apple Master Lease Purchase Agreement.  Dr. Jahnke recommended, and the Board approved, the first payment on the lease referenced in the previous agenda item.

Teacher Evaluation Program.  Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Ken Rossics presented, and the Board approved, revisions to the Teacher Evaluation Program.  These revisions are being recommended by the Evaluation Committee in order for the program to comply with new requirements set forth by state law and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).  The Evaluation Committee will continue to work on additional items in relation to the Teacher Evaluation Program in order to meet additional DESE requirements.

Consolidated Application for Federal Grants.  Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Laura Brock presented, and the Board approved, the district's applications to DESE for Title programs.  This year, the district anticipates receiving funding for Title I (Targeted Assistance for Disadvantaged Students), Title II-A (Improving Teacher Quality State Grants) and Title III (Limited English Proficiency).  

Change to Board Policy JG-R.  Dr. Jahnke recommended, and the Board approved, changes to the district's Discipline Policy JG-R.  Approval of this policy was requested at an earlier date than those reflected in Information Items (below) in order for the district to have the opportunity to incorporate these changes into the handbooks being created over the summer for the 2014-15 school year.  


Professional Development Report and Plan.  Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Laura Brock introduced Sarah Adams-Schwartz, Chairperson, who presented an overview of the District Professional Development Committee's work for the 2013-14 school year, as well as goals and plans for for the 2013-14 school year.  Areas of focus will continue to be assessment, technology, Professional Learning Communities and the Missouri Learning Standards.   

SAS115 Internal Controls/Risk Assessment.  Dr. Jahnke presented the Board of Education with a copy of the district’s “Guide to Internal Controls and Risk Management” document, in compliance with Statement of Auditing Standards (SAS) 115 requirements.  This document was originally developed and presented to the Board in June 2008 and is a working document continuously reviewed and updated in an effort to continue strong internal financial controls.

Board Policy Changes.  Dr. Jahnke gave an overview of the policies currently being submitted for revision.  The majority of the incorporated changes are MSBA recommended updates and being made to ensure district policies remain in compliance with state law and DESE requirements.  The Board will be asked to approve these policies at the July 28, 2014 meeting.  

Tentative Agenda Items for Business Meeting July 28, 2014:

  • 2014-15 Professional Development Goals
  • 2014-15 Tuition Rate for Nonresident Property Owners
  • Board Policy Changes
  • District Activities Report
  • Board Policy Changes
The next Business Meeting of the Board will take place at 7 p.m. on July 28, 2014, at the Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road.