Friday, February 14, 2014

Board Briefs for Board of Education Meeting on February 10, 2014

This information includes highlights of action taken and information received by the Ladue Board of Education at the February 10, 2014, meeting.  This is an unofficial record.  Official minutes of each Board meeting are posted on the district website and are available for viewing at the Administrative Center after the Board approves them, typically two weeks after the meeting.

Board President Remarks
  • Board of Education President Jeff Kopolow welcomed three candidates to the meeting who are running for seats on the Board of Education in the April 8, 2014 election: Carolyn Jaeger, Sheldon Johnson and Kisha Lee.  Andy Bresler, an incumbent, was also in attendance as a current Board Member. 
Superintendent Remarks
  • In regard to Snow Days...  Superintendent Dr. Donna Jahnke explained there are four additional days built into the calendar, all of which have now been used.  If there is additional time lost due to weather -- either in the form of a full day, or a Late Start, it is likely days (or at least hours) will need to be added to the current calendar.  These would likely take the place of currently scheduled Professional Development full days or Early Release days

High School Feasibility Study.   Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance Dr. Jason Buckner presented, and the Board approved, the administration's recommendation to appoint Mackey Mitchell Architects to determine the logistics and financial implications of updating and renovating the high school facilities.  This recommendation comes as a result of the district issuing a formal Request for Qualifications for this work, analyzing the information provided, interviewing three of the six responding companies, and negotiating terms with the company ultimately selected.  Mackey Mitchell is anticipated to deliver the feasibility study in early May.  The study will be funded through the use of remaining Proposition O revenue and/or the existing facilities planning budget.  No decision, commitment or timetable has been determined for renovating the high school at this time.

Resignation of Board of Education Vice President Stacy Washington.  Board President Kopolow asked for, and received, the Board's approval to accept the resignation of Stacy Washington, current Vice President to the Board of Education.  Mrs. Washington and her family are in the process of moving out of the Ladue School District.  Mrs. Washington's term would have ended in April 2014.   Therefore, a replacement will not be named, as three Board members will be elected on April 8, 2014, fulfilling the state's requirement for the district to have seven Board of Education members.


2015-16 Calendar.  Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Laura Brock reviewed the administration's recommendation for the 2015-16 calendar.  Dr. Brock outlined the minor changes to the calendar in comparison to the previous four years.  The calendar and comparison can be found by clicking the header of this paragraph.  The 2015-16 calendar will be brought to the Board for further discussion and approval at the February 24, 2014 Board of Education Business Meeting.

Tentative Agenda Items for Business Meeting on February 24, 2014:

  • 2015-16 School Calendar Hearing and Approval
  • Meet and Confer Report
  • 2014 Legislative Positions
Tentative Agenda Items for Work Session on March 10, 2014:
  • Strategic Plan: Update and Overview
The next Board of Education meeting will be a Business Meeting on February 24, 2014 at 7 p.m. and will be held at the Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road.  On March 10, 2014, the Board of Education will hold a Work Session at 6 p.m. in the cafeteria of Ladue Middle School, 9701 Conway Road.  The community is encouraged to attend this Work Session in order to learn more about the initiatives being researched and pursued as the Board and administration revise the district's Strategic Plan.