Board President Remarks
- Board of Education President Jeff Kopolow commented on the Fifth Grade Center Community Open House held on October 9, 2013, noting the enthusiasm attendees had for the district's newest educational facilities and complimenting Principal Julie Helm, as well as the district's Facilities Department, on their preparations for a successful opening for students in August.
- Superintendent Dr. Donna Jahnke also noted how pleased she was with the Fifth Grade Center Community Open House, adding that approximately 150 people took this opportunity to tour the center. Dr. Jahnke expressed her appreciation to Missouri Representative Jill Schupp and Creve Coeur City Council President Scott Saunder for attending and presenting resolutions to commemorate the opening of the center.
- Dr. Jahnke thanked Jill Badalamenti of Reed Elementary School, and Marteana Davidson and Don Goble of Ladue Horton Watkins High School (LHWHS), for collaborating to bring fourth graders to the high school's Video Technology Center to watch the filming of two HEC-TV "Explore!" segments. The district enjoys a unique affiliation with HEC-TV by being the only high school to produce programming for HEC-TV and having HEC-TV regularly produce programming in our studios.
- Dr. Jahnke commented on the continued success of Sixth Grade Camp. Both she and Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Laura Brock attended the camp for a day this year and had the opportunity to participate in some of the hands-on learning experiences enjoyed by students. Dr. Jahnke thanked the many, many employees of the district who help each year to create this great experiential educational opportunity for all the district sixth-graders.
- Finally, Dr. Jahnke commented on a great homecoming weekend. The festivities began with a bonfire at the high school on Friday night. Homecoming Day began on Saturday with the Ladue Education Foundation's 'Due Fun Run, followed by the homecoming parade organized by the high school's Character Education Committee, the football game against Affton, and, of course, the homecoming dance. Dr. Jahnke expressed her appreciation for the collaboration amongst these groups to make the weekend fun, safe and successful.
Fifth Grade Center Final Report. District administrators, including Dr. Jahnke, Principal Julie Helm, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance Dr. Jason Buckner, Facilities Director Mike Noonan, Information Technology Services Director Rob Highfill and Communications Director Susan Dielmann, presented the Board of Education with an overview and final report on the development and successful opening of the Fifth Grade Center. Dr. Jahnke led the discussion, noting every department and level of employee was integral in ensuring this project was completed within budget and on time to open for the 2013-14 school year.
District Facilities Report. Facilities Director Mike Noonan led a discussion outlining the current status of district facilities. Joining him in his presentation were Facilities Department staff members Darin Farrell, Adis Hodzic and Chip Thomsen. The presentation included an overview of improvements in the district's general maintenance procedures and systems monitoring. Mr. Noonan noted the Facilities Board Advisory Committee will be working this year to update the Facilities Master Plan and incorporate it into the district's Strategic Plan in preparation for moving forward with facility improvement plans.
Tentative Agenda Items for the Board's Business Meeting on October 28, 2013:
- 2013-14 Bus Routes/Mileage
- Strategic Plan Changes
- Annual Floor Covering Replacement Bid
- Annual Trane Maintenance Service Contract
- Enrollment and Residency Report