Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ladue Schools Board of Education Work Session - September 9, 2013

This information includes highlights of the discussions of the Ladue Schools Board of Education at the September 9, 2013, Work Session, as well as links to the information received by the Board.  This is an unofficial record.  Official minutes of each Board meeting are posted on the district website and are available for viewing at the Administrative Center after the Board approves them, typically two weeks after the meeting.

Superintendent Remarks
  • Superintendent Dr. Donna Jahnke noted there are continuing to be opening events around the district, including Curriculum Nights and Open Houses.  These are extremely important events for our families and a great way for parents to get a sense of what their children will be experiencing in the classroom during the school year.  
  • Athletics and activities are in full swing with football, volleyball, soccer, tennis, and field hockey all having their first home games this week.
  • The official community of the Fifth Grade Center will occur on October 9, 2013 with an open house from 6 - 8 p.m.  Details will be announced in the coming weeks

Operating Fund Levy and Debt Service Fund Levy.  Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance Dr. Jason Buckner led a discussion regarding the administration's recommendation for setting the operating fund levy and the debt service fund levy for the coming year.  The Board will vote on both levies at their September 23, 2013 Business Meeting.

Dr. Buckner recommended not raising the debt service levy at this time, despite the district's anticipated debt service fund revenue decreasing by approximately $125,000 from last year, as the revenue raised will still carry the district through the required payments for the year.  However, he indicated a plan for moving forward would need to be discussed if assessments do not increase in 2015.  Opportunities for refunding will be evaluated, should they arise.

As a result of the decrease in property assessments, the district's operating tax levy ceiling has been increased to approximately $3.30, $.06 higher than the current operating tax levy.  Dr. Buckner explained if the Board maintains the rate at $3.24, revenue will decrease by approximately $700,000 in the 2013-14 budget year.  Board members indicated they were in favor of maintaining the rate at $3.24, but acknowledged the need to consider raising the levy in future years to maintain district revenue at existing levels, should property assessments not increase.

Standard & Poor's Financial Rating.  Dr. Buckner announced due to specific measures taken in the past three years to improve the district's financial management, practices and stability, the district has been able to maintain its AAA rating with Standard & Poor's.  This rating allows the district to receive preferred terms on bond funding.  Ladue School District is one of the few public school districts in the country to hold a AAA rating.

Tentative Agenda Items for the Board's Business Meeting on September 23, 2013:

  • Tax Rate Hearing and Approval of Operating Fund Levy and Debt Service Fund Levy
  • Special School District Contracts for Homebound Services and Substitute Personnel
  • 2013-14 Bus Routes/Mileage
  • Focus for Board Advisory Committees
  • Communications Report
  • Strategic Plan Update/Changes
  • Class Size Discussion
The next Board of Education meeting will be a Business Meeting on September 23, 2013 at 7 p.m. and will be held at the Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road.